Thursday, February 20, 2014


    Indeed, time passes so quickly that it was like yesterday when I first entered Ilocos Sur National High School. We all look then very young, fragile and innocent but now, we have grown older and equipped with knowledge, skills and values needed for the higher level of life’s struggles.
    To our dear teachers, it is an opportune time to thank and show appreciations for those four years of sacrifices and sharing your knowledge to us. We owe you one. Oh, not just one but many. We also thank you for helping us develop our abilities and skills. As such, you tried your best to provide appropriate knowledge and experiences to make our high school life enjoyable and memorable. You taught us the values that will help us navigate a world full of unanswered questions, wonders and surprises. And to that, we sincerely express our heartfelt gratitude to you dear teachers who in one way or another had given wholehearted support for our near success. We shall never forget the love, generosity and willingness that you poured in our studies. Those shall be cherished forever! J
    To all of my best friends and friends who also had given their support and love throughout the year, thank you very much! I will surely never forget the craziest and happiest things we’ve done. And I know you will, too.

    One last thing, high school life will forever stay in my memories! <3 J


Everybody is waiting and dreaming for a bright future. Of course, who wouldn’t want that? We all long for happy endings; happy endings in the near future.
Throughout our lives, we often dream for everything. If a person has a dream or a goal, he will surely be a better person with much better life. I have dreams for the future just like everyone else. And that is to become a TEACHER. I also want to share knowledge to students like me and help them develop their skills and abilities. And I will do everything to reach those aspirations and dreams that I have and of course with the help of our Lord.

“Laugh often, dream big, reach for the stars!” That’s exactly what I do and I’m not planning on stopping anytime soon.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

CHANGE: It Starts With Me

Change is like a tornado: it comes without warning and can turn your house upside down or let it down safely. Either way, nothing will ever be the same. A lot of people believe that tornado is a synonym for change. Gandhi once said “be the change you want to see in the world”. To me this means you have to take responsibility for what you want to accomplish.
Taking responsibility for your actions is important in becoming a change in the world. In order to make a change, you have to want to do it. If one of your friends dared you to go help a grandma cross the street, you need to want to do it, not do it because your friend dared you. Be responsible if you decided to make a change in the world. Responsibility comes from within. So take responsibility seriously. Another good example of being the change in the world is picking up trash in parks, on the road, on sidewalk and even in sporting event places. To be responsible means to be a source or cause. 


Kannawidan is a festivity which the City of Vigan celebrates every year. In this festival, the Ilocano people showcase cultural shows, native products and the talents of the Ilocanos. 
Kannawidan Ylocos Festival became an annual festival that aims to create awareness on the preservation of the province' rich cultural heritage, practices and traditions, and a showcase of the different agriculture and industry products of the province. There is a need to preserve our rich heritage and unique culture. With this in mind, the provincial government of Ilocos Sur has conceived a festival that highlights these culture and traditions and attract local and foreign tourists as well. Dubbed the Kannawidan Ylocos Festival, it is also a commemoration of the anniversary of Ilocos Sur as a province.
This festival is very significant to every resident in the province as they are celebrating the foundation of Ilocos Sur as a province by virtue of the Royal Decree signed on February 2, 1818.
Ilocos Sur especially Vigan is branded as the Heart of Ilocandia by the Philippine Historical Committee. It’s a province very rich in culture and heritage. Kannawidan means traditions and this province got to showcase all what she has. On January 31 to February 6, 2011 several activities were lined up for the celebration.
We must be proud to be a Bigueno!


New Year is a special day for all of us. Markets and shops are crowded with people. Malls are busy with many people buying tasty things and presents for their love ones. We decorate our house with decorations. We send post cards to friends and give presents to close people. And all families go out in the evening and take photos for remembrance and documents. There you can hear sounds of salutes and crackers. Some crackers are so dangerous. And to use propellant explosion in the streets is cancelled because it scare people and it’s not safe.

New Year is also a time when many people around the world make promises. However, many of the promises made by people are rarely completed. As the year entered, I made a lot of resolutions. Having a high grades, doing all the requirements and so on. This would be my last year in our school. And so I have to cherish all the moments with my best friends, friends, classmates, teachers and all of the people in the school, if possible. And so I have to change for the better. New Year, New Me! :)

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Third Grading Period.
Oh well, this grading period is the best among others. But I really have to work harder to be able to have a higher grade. :D I wish I could have an improvement for the last grading. I enjoyed our ICT classes and all the activities especially in doing our project. I really had a great time with my groupmates in processing our project. And how I wish we could have more memories to treasure.

Last grading? Good vibes again, puhlease! J

Make A MOVE..

Look around you. What is happening? We all know that climate change is terribly ruining Mother Earth which needs a solution. But wait! Isn’t it too late to act? Isn’t it too late to make a move?
            Other people are concerned on what is happening in the world especially here in the Philippines. Lately, a lot of natural disasters came in our country. We all know the tragedy brought by Typhoon Yolanda in Tacloban. A lot of innocent lives were stolen and yet, there were thousands of victims. Do we still remember the flood brought by the storm surge in a certain part in Visayas?

            It’s not yet too late to act. It’s not yet too late to make a move! We should start giving our share to our Mother Earth as a part of our responsibility to the nature. Doing something for Mother Earth, even the simplest one, can contribute in preserving our nature. Let’s make a move now!


Everyone have their own rights. Every person has the right to live, to love, to enjoy every moment, to be happy and of course, to be loved in return. Wherever we may go, people should be treated equally. There’s this so-called DISCRIMINATION which people are treated worse than the way people are usually treated. Equal rights should be applied to every individual, regardless of the physical, financial, social, mental and economic status.
 In our country, rights aren’t equal. Some rich people would underestimate the poor. Some people would mistreat them. Others would discriminate them because of their disability, gender-identity, religion, nationality and so on.
If there will be equal rights, there will also be equal opportunities. And with this, we can easily achieve our aspirations and goals in life.

Christmas in Every Heart

Christmas is probably the most  Filipinos’ favorite season. As early as September, one can already feel it slowly making its entrance and infecting everyone with its unmistakable air. Lights and decors are put up, Christmas songs start infiltrating the airwaves and everyone looks forward to spending the holidays with their loved ones. But Christmas, especially for us Filipinos, is more than just festivities. It is a deeply-rooted celebration of tradition and faith.
      It is no wonder that Christmas is such a significant occasion for Filipinos who are religious and family-oriented. In the world, no other country probably celebrates it as memorably as we do. We may not have real trees for Christmas trees, no snow for snowball fights or for building snowmen, but the life and meaning we Filipinos integrate with our celebration makes our Christmas one that shouldn't be missed.
      In the Philippines, one could always tell that Christmas is fast approaching. For one, there are the carolers—people young and old going house to house singing carols for favors or donations. For children, it has become an opportunity to earn few extra coins to spend on candy or drop into their piggy banks. They would form little groups, knock on neighbor’s houses and, with tambourines made from tansan, sing “We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year…!” Sometimes they would be sent away empty-handed, but when do receive anything, they show their gratitude by throwing in an extra song, “Thank You, thank you ang babait ninyo, thank you..!”
      It is the family that matters most too, on Christmas day. It’s not just about the presents, or the food, or the decorations. It is about spending time with the family, making up for lost time. It is also about sharing what we have, no matter how little or seemingly insignificant, with others.
      Christmas is not just about fun, it is about appreciating and finding joy in the little things. It’s not just about having a well-decorated house and an abundance of food, it is about being with the ones you love and sharing what you have with others. It is not about what presents you get, it is how much you give. After all, it is true what they always say: it is Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in the air.